Matt Hawkins
Ridge Supply Owner & Outdoors Lover

It is hard to believe it has been five years since September 15, 2014. That day, I was hit from behind by a pickup truck traveling at 55 mph while on a solo training ride. It put a bunch of things into perspective for me. Realizing that nothing was a given in this life, I chose to pursue a passion of creating the cycling apparel that swirls in my head. I was reimbursed for the pieces of kit lost in the accident... I invested those few hundred dollars in THE SKYLINE ORIGINAL... the first socks landed in late July of 2015… they sold worldwide quickly and this business was born. The socks are designed to be bright and hyper visible using bio-motion technology that merges design with human intuition to help cyclists, runners & hikers be recognized by motorists. I believe there is more to bright socks than just color. Color Blocking & Gradient Colors with the Brightest Colors at the Cuff of the sock work well with Bio-Motion to catch the eye. Our goal is to make the function of bio-motion visibility meet the fashion of the best design & color ways. We are striving to produce the World’s Finest Socks & Accessories to help provide every customer with 100% satisfaction in the product experience.